To apples

After lunch we walked the shops in Bandera. At the entrance to the general store there was a machine where you squeeze a trigger on a brass


I’m reading aloud: Squeeze handle. No electric shock.

Dave says: go ahead. So I reach for the knob.

Dave says: bzzzttt

and I jump.

Of course.

They sell used boots here, for the dude ranches I suppose.  If I wanted boots this is the place.

Dude ranch boots
Dude ranch boots


Then on to Medina TX where they grow apples. Love Creek Orchards has a store where we get two apple strudels and sit by the wood stove. I can’t eat another thing, but yearn for the ice cream with apple caramel sauce. The orchards sell trees too. Its a pick it yourself place in the spring. Fresh organic apples. We need to come back.


Frio river, inches deep
Frio river, inches deep