To Denton

Dave was worried about the weather. Sleet predicted in Branson for the day so we were up early at 6 and skedaddled.

The skies were clear but by the time we got to Fayetteville Arkansas it started raining and has been ever since.

We are heading to Denton today  to see friends for the evening.

Aunt in Kansas city, to friends in Branson and  friends in Denton. From sorrow  to comfort.

In Branson we had a great dinner at the Golden Corral. I’ve never been. Thought it was just another steak place. But no, its a smorgasbord of a buffet. I was actually hungry for the first time this year, and had:

fried rice, eggroll, chili,guacamole,  meatloaf, green beans, mac and cheese, and that was my first plate. Then carrot cake, fresh pineapple, peaches, pears, mandarin oranges. Then a little steak, which was nearly perfect at medium rare instead of rare, and potatoes. It was like thanksgiving. I ate till I hurt. And it was wonderful!

I know you don’t believe it. But it’s true.

Dave has a gps. I have the map running on my phone. But we both were uncertain as we got to Fort Smith about the route they were taking us. Wanted us to take I40. After consulting with a paper map the machines rerouted us back on track to I40.

One problem with the gps is we get to relying on it and forget to check the overall route before we head out. Another problem with the gps etc is they have a mind of their own. We’ve been tricked before into some weird route that made no sense at all. So we are gun shy.

Personally, I think the equpment is in cahoots. The gps says to the phone: watch this, I’m going to make him do a circle.  And now a triple salchow.  The phone claps her hands and says ohboyohboy!

They do this because we who-think-we-know-so-much make fun of them. Dave starts mimicking the phone as she talks us through Fort Smith. Dave’s robot accent is just like his French accent and his Irish accent, it’s all Japanese to him.

So we entertain ourselves.




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